Join us August 15th, 10 am at Jefferson Gun Club for our Clay Shoot. All proceeds will go toward the Builders Exchange Scholarship Fund.
Entry Fee includes: targets, glasses, food & beverage, course transport, ammunition, ear plugs
**If you are using a .410 or 28 gauge you must supply your own ammo**
**Reservations made and not cancelled by August 11th will be billed to the member firm**
Event Timeline:
10:00-10:30am – Registration / Raffle Tickets Sales
10:45am – Safety Briefing
11am-1:00pm - Sporting Clays event (guest to shoot 100 clays)
1:00-3:00pm BBQ Lunch / Social gathering
Sponsor Opportunities
Gold Sponsor: $2,000
Four-person team
Ninety second company intro at the clay shoot Individual Signage at event
Silver Sponsor: $1,000
Two participants in shoot
Verbal appreciation at shoot & name on sponsorship signage
Bronze Sponsor: $750
Verbal appreciation at shoot & name on sponsorship signage
Refreshment Sponsor : $500
Name on sponsor signage
Raffle Prize Sponsor: $250
Name on sponsor signage
Station Sponsor: $250
Name on sponsor signage