Combined 4 Course Curriculum - Builders Exchange and EKU Construction Management Courses

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Name: Combined 4 Course Curriculum - Builders Exchange and EKU Construction Management Courses
Date: April 13, 2023
Registration: Sorry, public registration for this event has been closed.
Event Description:

Builders Exchange has teamed up with the EKU department of Applied Engineering & Technology to offer a four-class construction management certification.

Course Presenter: ACE Consulting

This is the event page for those who would like to sign up for ALL 4 COURSES.

If you are interested in signing up for individual courses, find each separate specific course on the calendar and sign up there or click the links below:

Course 1 - April 13th - Scheduling
Course 2 - April 14th - Contract Administration
Course 3 - April 20th - Plan Reading
Course 4 - April 21st - Bidding and Estimating


Classes will be held at the Builders Exchange Center for Education and Training Excellence, 2300 Meadow Drive, Suite 100, Louisville, KY 40218

Date/Time Information:
Each course runs from 1-5pm

Course 1 - April 13th - Scheduling
Course 2 - April 14th - Contract Administration
Course 3 - April 20th - Plan Reading
Course 4 - April 21st - Bidding and Estimating
Contact Information:
Emily Scharpf
Members with the Builders Exchange of Kentucky will pay $1,700 for all 4 courses.
Non-Members will pay $2,000 for all 4 courses.

You have the option to request an invoice to pay later or pay by cash or check on the day of the event. Please contact Builders Exchange to pay by credit card online or over the phone.
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